
  Delivery time

Estimated delivery time for most products is 3 to 5 business days. Selecting products with a longer delivery date may extend the delivery time.

*shipping may be delayed for reasons beyond the seller's control

Delivery costs

The Seller delivers the ordered Goods by courier or to InPost parcel lockers via the Supplier.

·          Shipment via the Supplier is carried out within the time specified for each product, counted from the moment the payment is credited to the Seller's account in the case of payment by bank transfer or. This time does not include days off from work. The current cost of delivering the Goods is provided on the Store's website.

·          In special cases of temporary lack of goods from the manufacturer, the order processing time may be longer than the time given for a given product. In such a case, the Customer will be informed immediately about this fact and about the expected order completion date.

·          In the event of the Customer's absence at the address indicated in the Order, the costs related to the additional Delivery will be charged to the Customer. If the Customer is a consumer, the provisions of this point do not apply in the event of random events or cases not attributable to the consumer or for which the consumer is not responsible.

·          When delivering the Goods, the Customer is asked to check, in the presence of the Supplier, whether the shipment has not been damaged during transport, whether it is intact and consistent with the Order and to confirm receipt of the Order to the Supplier.

·          5.6. If the shipment is found to be damaged, incomplete or inconsistent with the Order, the Customer should not accept the shipment and report this fact on-site to the supplier of the Goods in order for the Supplier to prepare a Return Protocol.

·          The Seller also provides for the possibility of personal collection of the Goods at the Seller's sales point. The ordered Goods are collected by the Customer or a person authorized by him (authorization requires written form), at the Seller's designated sales point, after prior confirmation of the date by the Store's administration by e-mail or telephone. Shipping costs





please contact us



The shipment has been accepted for processing, will be packed and sent within 3-4 business days. The goods will be additionally checked before shipment and very well secured.

PLN 22.40


Delivery company

small dimensions (up to 30 kg)

from PLN 17.99

Delivery company

large dimensions (from 30.1 kg to 50 kg)

from PLN 59.99

Delivery company

large dimensions (from 50.1 kg to 250 kg)

from PLN 175


Parcels are shipped within 1-5 days.

Maximum package dimensions 41 x 38 x 64

(up to 20 kg)

PLN 15.99


Free shipping PROMOTION!

For purchases over EUR 200, if you pay by transfer, your order will be sent by courier at our expense.

Bank account number


Ask about the price of zone subsidies using the contact form.

Out of concern for the environment, we recover cardboard boxes. We reuse every undamaged cardboard box.